Thursday, April 14, 2011

Earth Month: Day 12 - Simple recycling idea for plastic forks

Do you have plastic forks from take out/delivery food?  Here is a great idea to recycle them - use them for plant tags!  My kids and I planted seeds yesterday and made our own plant tags with recycled cardboard (from my Tazo Tea box).  My son wrote the names on the tags (he's 4 and just learning to write) and we set them inside of the fork tongs, stuck them into the pots and Voila!  Now we know what seeds we planted!
Note: you can do the same with the plastic spoons and knives too by writing the plant names on the plastic with a Sharpie marker.

Happy Recycling!
*~ Sprout ~*

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. I'm always looking for ways to label my veggies without buying something.


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